Reporting Webhooks

Receive Regal events to any endpoint in real-time

Reporting Webhooks send real-time activity events (e.g. contact.subscribed, sms.sent, call.completed) as JSON in an HTTP POST to an endpoint of your choosing.

Enable Reporting Webhooks

To set up Reporting Webhooks,

  • Go to the Regal app > Settings page.
  • In the section labeled "Reporting Webhooks", click "Create Webhook."
  • Enter the URL of the endpoint you'd like us to send events to and enter an API Key for the endpoint, if one is required. Then click "Save"

To test that the endpoint is receiving events, you can navigate to the Agent Desktop and change your activity status in the top right dropdown to a different status. You should receive an agent.activity.updated event.


Create Webhook


Updating an Endpoint

When you edit an endpoint, it can take up to 5 minutes for the cache to refresh and start sending events to your new endpoint instead.



Currently there are no retries on these events. If a response is not received within 5 seconds, the event is dropped and not retried. We will be adding retries in a future release.


Regal publishes the following events to the Reporting Webhooks:

Event NameDescription
agent.activity.updatedAn agent’s activity status was changed
call.completedAn inbound or outbound call with a contact was completed. This includes calls that were not answered
call.placedAn outbound call was started
call.recording.availableA call recording link is available
call.transcript.availableAn AI call summary and trackers are available
call.ivr.triggeredAn inbound call has entered one of the IVR flows in Regal
call.wrapupA call has ended and the task is now in wrapping
cancel.all.automated.tasksAn agent cancels all automated tasks of a contact from the agent desktop
contact.attribute.editedA contact’s attributes were edited by an agent
contact.createdA contact was created in your Regal account new email address was created in your Regal account
contact.experiment.assignedA contact was assigned to an experiment new phone number was created in your Regal account
contact.subscribedA contact was subscribed to a marketing channel
contact.unsubscribedA contact was unsubscribed from a marketing channel
contacted.after.hoursA contact texted or called in outside of business hours
custom.task.completedA custom task was completed
email.receivedAn email was received from contact to Regal (inbound)
email.sentAn email was sent from Regal to contact (outbound)
mms.receivedAn mms was received from contact to Regal (inbound)
mms.sentAn mms was sent from Regal to contact (outbound)
scheduled.reminder.createdAn agent scheduled a reminder
scheduled.callback.requestedAn agent schedules a callback
sms.conversation.completedAn SMS conversation between a contact and an agent was completed in the Regal agent desktop
sms.queuedAn sms was queued to be sent from Regal to contact (outbound)
sms.receivedAn sms was received from a contact (inbound)
sms.sentAn sms was sent from Regal to contact (outbound)
sms.undeliveredAn sms was undelivered from Regal to contact (outbound)
task.canceledA call or sms task was canceled
task.createdA call or sms task was created
task.reservation.acceptedA reservation was accepted by an agent
task.reservation.createdA reservation was created for a task
voicemail.recording.availableA voicemail recording is available
voicemail.transcript.availableA voicemail transcript and trackers are available

Event Properties

Below are the properties and definitions included in Regal events.

Property NameDescriptionData Type
agent_activity_nameName of agent’s new availability statusstring
agent_availabilityAvailability of agent’s previous activity status. Can be true or falseboolean
agent_emailEmail of the agent who took an actionstring
agent_previous_activity_nameName of agent’s previous availability statusstring
agent_previous_availabilityAvailability of agent’s previous activity status. Can be true or falseboolean
agent_time_in_previous_activityTime (in seconds) agent spent in previous activity statusinteger
call_idTask Id for the callstring
campaign_idCampaign UUIDstring
campaign_friendly_idCampaign Friendly Id as seen in the Appinteger
campaign_nameCampaign Namestring
cancelation_reasonReason the task was canceledstring
cancelation_sourceSource of where the task was canceledstring
canceled_byIncludes the email of the user who canceled the task, if applicablestring
changesChanges made for the contact.attribute.edited event; includes name of attribute edited with the "old_value" and "new_value"object
channelThe marketing channel: “voice” or “sms”string
completed_atUTC Timestamp when the task was completedUTC timestamp
contact_phonePhone number of the contactstring
contentIn sms events: Content of the message

In sms.conversation events: Contents of the conversation
string in sms.queued, sms.sent, sms.undelivered and sms.received events

array in sms.conversation.completed event
conversation_happenedBased on the disposition of the task, whether or not a conversation happenedboolean
directionINBOUND or OUTBOUNDstring
dispositionTask dispositionstring
emailThe last email associated with the contactstring
ended_atUTC timestamp when the conversation was endedtimestamp
experiment_idExperiment IDinteger
experiment_nameName of experimentstring
experiment_variantVariant a contact was assigned to in an experimentstring
from_numberPhone number that sent the messagestring
handle_timeFull duration task was being handled, including talk time and wrap time (completed_at - started_at)integer
ipThe IP address from where the subscription update was initiatedstring
isPrimaryWhether the phone or email is the primary one for the contactboolean
ivr_flow_idIVR UUIDstring
ivr_flow_nameIVR name shown in appstring
ivr_flow_versionThe version number of that particular IVRinteger
ivr_flow_trigger_idTrigger ID of a specific inbound call to an IVRstring
labelCustom label set by you or your agents to describe a phone number or email address of a contactstring
media_urlMedia URL (for MMS)string
notesTask notesstring
objectionsTask tagsarray
phoneSame as contact_phonestring
queueName of task queuestring
recording_linkCall recording linkstring
regal_voice_phoneRegal phone numberstring
regal_voice_phone_internal_nameInternal name of phone line displayed to agentsstring
reserved_agent_emailEmail of the agent the task reservation is forstring
reserved_agent_fullnameFull name of the agent the task reservation is forstring
scheduling_agent_fullnameFull name of the agent who scheduled the Callbackstring
scheduling_agent_idEmail of the agent who scheduled the Callbackstring
sms_conversation_idTask ID for the conversation. (If the sms was part of a two-way conversation with an Agent, rather than just an automated outbound sms)string
sourceSource of the subscription update. A source value that starts with “Brand.” indicates that the subscription update was initiated by the Brand (outside of the Regal platform). A source value that starts with “Regal.” indicates that the subscription update was initiated through the Regal platform.string
started_atUTC timestamp when the conversation was startedUTC timestamp
talk_timeDuration of conversation (ended_at - started_at)integer
target_agent_fullnameFull name of the agent who contact (and all contact’s tasks) are assigned tostring
target_agent_idEmail of the agent who contact (and all contact’s tasks) are assigned tostring
task_idUnique identifier for the task. Will match the call_id or sms_conversation_id of a completed task eventstring
textThe exact text the contact was presented for opt instring
timestampUnix timestamp for when the event took placeunix timestamp
to_numberPhone number to which the message was sentstring
typeTask Type (e.g., Outbound SMS, Outbound Call, Scheduled Callback)string
wrapup_timeDuration task was in wrap up (completed_at - ended_at)integer

Event Schema

Events from Reporting Webhooks follow the below schema:

"userId": "123",
"originalTimestamp": "1636666068",
"traits":{"email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+17625551796"},
"name": "",
"eventId":"f49a3cf9cb1336683bd5f19db4c61147",  //unique identifier for each event
"properties": {
  "property": "value1", 
  "property2": "value2"
"eventSource": "Regal Voice"


  "name": "agent.activity.updated",
  "properties": {
    "agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "agent_activity_name": "Offline",
    "agent_availability": false,
    "agent_previous_activity_name": "Available",
    "agent_previous_availability": true,
    "agent_time_in_previous_activity": "3829"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657836812",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "call.completed",
  "properties": {
    "agent_firstname": "Rebecca",
    "agent_fullname": "Rebecca Greene",
    "agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "direction": "OUTBOUND",
    "regal_voice_phone": "+19545558563",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name": "Sales Line",
    "contact_phone": "+176255517965",
    "call_id": "WTxxxxx9",
    "type": "Outbound Call",
    "disposition": "Converted During Convo",
    "notes": null,
    "objections": null,
    "campaign_name": "Life Insurance Quote Follow Up",
    "campaign_friendly_id": "445",
    "conversation_happened": true,
    "started_at": 1657855046,
    "ended_at": 1657855053,
    "completed_at": 1657855059,
    "talk_time": 7,
    "wrapup_time": 6,
    "handle_time": 13,
    "journey_uuid": null,
    "journey_name": null,
    "journey_friendly_id": null
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855059",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "call.placed",
  "properties": {
    "agent_fullname": "Rebecca Greene",
    "agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "scheduling_agent_fullname": null,
    "scheduling_agent_email": null,
    "direction": "OUTBOUND",
    "regal_voice_phone": "+19545558563",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name": "Sales Line",
    "contact_phone": "+176255517965",
    "task_id": "WTxxxxx9",
    "type": "Outbound Call",
    "queue": "Outbound Call",
    "channel": "voice",
    "campaign_name": "Call 1",
    "campaign_friendly_id": "445",
    "journey_uuid": "6f7cd128-6c19-43b7-a87d-9dbaf0ea7615",
    "journey_name": "Welcome Journey",
    "journey_friendly_id": 936,
    "journey_execution_name": "profile_8f89d2635d0247b098ae1967d8cee394_2024-06-15t02_19_40",
    "journey_node_uuid": "de5215c6-4f68-4706-bb38-734f6b05fb94",
    "journey_node_friendly_id": 4,
    "related_object_id": null,
    "related_object_type": null
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855059",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


    "ivr_flow_name":"Test Lily Send to agent",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name":"New Cobra Kai Test",
  "source":"Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "call.recording.available",
  "properties": {
    "agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "direction": "OUTBOUND",
    "regal_voice_phone": "+19032823158",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name": "Acquisition Line",
    "contact_phone": "+13523182825",
    "call_id": "WT953358e8822dd9333fc38dfbac25e1e1",
    "call_sid": "CA01d01f4cb78cb54882137838375bb549",
    "type": "Outbound Call",
    "disposition": "Converted On Call",
    "notes": "The customer was just confirming pricing. Said pricing was unclear on our iOS app.",
    "objections": ["Pricing"],
    "campaign_name": "Abandoned Cart",
    "campaign_friendly_id": "13",
    "recording_link": "",
    "started_at": 1657799128,
    "ended_at": 1657799136,
    "talk_time": 8,
    "journey_uuid": "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx",
    "journey_name": "Welcome Journey",
    "journey_friendly_id": 130
  "originalTimestamp": "1657843308",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "brand": "circle-bank",
  "contact_email": "[email protected]",
  "contact_phone": "+13523182825",
  "name": "call.transcript.available",
  "properties": {
    "agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "call_id": "WT953358e8822dd9333fc38dfbac25e1e1",
    "call_sid": "CA01d01f4cb78cb54882137838375bb549",
    "call_summary": "The agent explained stuff and the contact agreed.",
    "contact_name": "Joe Smith",
    "contact_phone": "+13523182825",
    "is_voicemail": false,
    "moments_count": 18,
    "recording_link": "",
    "request_timestamp": 1657799128,
    "response_timestamp": 1657799136,
    "trackers": [
        "tracker_id": "4be87957-9140-4451-894a-bdbaed1f2460",
        "tracker_name": "Refinance"
        "tracker_id": "eb2577c6-5e23-4c65-9e04-5cc5d49eee7e",
        "tracker_name": "High Intent"
    "transcript_url": ""
  "originalTimestamp": "1657843308",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "call.wrapup",
  "properties": {
    "campaign_friendly_id": 123,
    "campaign_name": "Campaign",
    "channel": "voice",
    "contact_email": "[email protected]",
    "contact_phone": "+19173016303",
    "direction": "OUTBOUND",
    "journey_friendly_id": 123,
    "journey_name": "Journey",
    "journey_uuid": "uuid",
    "queue": "Everyone",
    "regal_voice_phone": "+14062956306",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name": "Square Local Services",
    "reserved_agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "reserved_agent_fullname": "Agent A",
    "scheduling_agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "scheduling_agent_fullname": "Agent B",
    "target_agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "target_agent_fullname": "Agent Smith",
    "task_id": "WT2159ebfc197f77ed3c5174a963f6b268",
    "type": "Scheduled Callback",
   "originalTimestamp": "1657843308",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "cancel.all.automated.tasks",
  "properties": {
    "campaign_friendly_id": 445,
    "canceled_by": "[email protected]",
    "cancelation_source": "Agent Desktop",
    "original_task_id": "WTxxxxxx",
    "timestamp": "1657855043"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855043",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",

contact.attribute.edited - when an attribute is changed

  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "contact.attribute.edited",
  "properties": {
    "agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "contact_phone": "+17625551796",
    "changes": {
      "custom_properties": {
        "annual_income": {
          "old_value": "150,000",
          "new_value": "300,000"
    "created_at": "1657855462"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855462",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",

contact.attribute.edited - when a phone/email is added to a contact

//in this example +12312259768 was added to the contact by the agent and  made the primary number
//both phone changes (b/c that contains the primary number) and phones changes because
//that's the array of all the phone numbers
  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "contact.attribute.edited",
  "properties": {
    "agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "contact_phone": "+17625551796",
    "changes": {
      "phone": {
        "new_value": "+12312259768", //+12312259768 was made the primary number
        "old_value": "+19545582399"
      "phones": {
				"new_value":["+12312259768", "+14706466940", "+18565016294", "+19545582399"], //+12312259768 was added
				"old_value":["+14706466940", "+18565016294", "+19545582399"]
    "created_at": "1657855462"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855462",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "contact.created",
  "properties": {
    "contactPhone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "Katherine",
    "lastName": "TheGreat",
    "customProperty1": "value1", // whatever custom attributes the contact was created with will also appear here
    "customProperty2": "value2"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657839234",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",

coming soon


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "contact.experiment.assigned",
  "properties": {
    "experiment_name": "Post Call Offer Test",
    "experiment_id": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
    "experiment_variant": "Aggressive Offer - 50%",
    "journey_uuid": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
    "journey_friendly_id": 220,
    "journey_name": "Post Call Follow Up"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855118",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",

  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796", //the primary phone for the contact
    "email": "[email protected]" //the primary email for the contact
  "name": "",
  "properties": {
    "contactPhone": "+13332311433", //the new phone created
    "firstName": "Rebecca",
    "lastName": "Greene",
    "isPrimary": false, //false if not primary, true if primary
    "label": "Mobile",
    "source": "circle-bank.api"
  "originalTimestamp": "1694458444",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "ip": ""
  "name": "contact.subscribed",
  "properties": {
    "new_subscription": true,
    "channel": "voice",
    "text": "By clicking “Next”, I agree to receive automated marketing, including calls and recurring text messages from Circle Bank at the telephone number provided. Consent is not a condition of purchase. Reply HELP for help and STOP to cancel. Msg & data rates may apply.*",
    "ip": "",
    "source": "circle-bank.booking_flow",
    "timestamp": "1611245052"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657839189",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "ip": ""
  "name": "contact.unsubscribed",
  "properties": {
    "new_subscription": true,
    "channel": "voice",
    "text": null,
    "ip": "",
    "source": "regalvoice.agent_desktop",
    "timestamp": "1657855229"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855230",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "contacted.after.hours",
  "properties": {
    "channel": "voice",
    "contact_phone": "+17625551796",
    "contact_email": "[email protected]",
    "regal_voice_phone": "+14062956306",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name": "Main",
    "timestamp": "1689125232"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657863441",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "call.completed",
  "properties": {
    "agent_email":"[email protected]",
    "agent_fullname":"Kelly Chen",
    "agent_id":"[email protected]",
    "custom_task_name":"test custom task",
    "disposition":"React Upgrade",
    "journey_name":"New Journey",
    "notes": "some notes",
    "objections": null,
    "type":"Custom Task"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855059",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "scheduled.reminder.created",
  "properties": {
    "scheduling_agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "contact_phone": "+17625551796",
    "originating_task_id": "WTxxxx",
    "scheduled_at": "2022-07-16T14:00:00.000-04:00",
    "notes_from_agent": "Remember to email the insurance form.",
    "timezone": "America/New_York",
    "regal_voice_phone": "+19545558563"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657863441",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",

email.conversation.completed(COMING SOON)

coming soon


  "contact_email":"[email protected]",
  "external_id":"[email protected]",
  "properties": {
    "body_snippet":"inbound content",
    "contact_email":"[email protected]",
    "sender_email":"[email protected]",
    "subject":"inbound subject",
  "source":"Regal Voice",
  "traits": {
    "email":"[email protected]",


  "contact_email":"[email protected]",
  "external_id":"[email protected]",
  "properties": {
    "body_snippet":"content goes here! attaching an image for kicks",
    "contact_email":"[email protected]",
    "sender_email":"[email protected]",
    "subject":"subject goes here!",
  "source":"Regal Voice",
  "traits": {
    "email":"[email protected]",


  "contact_email":"[email protected]",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name":"Cobra Kai 2: This Time It's Personal",
  "source":"Regal Voice",
    "email":"[email protected]",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "scheduled.callback.requested",
  "properties": {
    "scheduling_agent_email": "[email protected]",
    "scheduling_agent_fullname": "Rebecca Greene",
    "contact_phone": "+17625551796",
    "callback_timestamp ": "2022-07-13 14:00:00 -07:00",
    "notes_from_agent": "The customer was excited to chat but was on the road.",
    "regal_voice_phone": "+19545558563",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name": "Retention Line",
    "originating_task_id": "WTxxxx",
    "callback_friendly_date": "07/13/2022",
    "callback_friendly_day": "Wednesday",
    "callback_friendly_time": "02:00 PM",
    "callback_friendly_timezone": "Pacific Time",
    "callback_friendly_timestamp": "Wednesday 07/13/2022 at 02:00 PM Pacific Time"
  "originalTimestamp": "1657863426",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "contact_email":"[email protected]",
    "agent_email":"[email protected]",
    "agent_fullname":"Regal Voice Support",
    "agent_id":"[email protected]",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name":"regal test",
  "source":"Regal Voice",
    "email":"[email protected]",


  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "sms.conversation.completed",
  "properties": {
    "content": [
        "2022-07-15 03:17:50",
        "Hi there, I see you're looking to cancel. Can I ask why?"
        "2022-07-15 03:19:49",
        "Yeah - it hasn't been the right fit for my pup."
        "2022-07-15 03:19:58",
        "Let's hop on a call quickly so I can help out! ☺️"
    "regal_voice_phone": "+19545558563",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name": "Retention Line",
    "contact_phone": "+176255517965",
    "sms_conversation_id": "WTxxxxxx",
    "agent_id": "[email protected]",
    "agent_firstname": "Rebecca",
    "agent_fullname": "Rebecca Greene",
    "direction": "OUTBOUND",
    "type": "Outbound SMS",
    "disposition": "Interested",
    "objections": ["Product Issues"],
    "notes": "Dog was having stomach issues after eating the all-fish plan. Changed up plan and extended trial 2 months.",
    "started_at": 1657855067,
    "ended_at": 1657855198,
    "completed_at": 1657855211,
    "conversation_happened": true,
    "talk_time": 600,
    "wrapup_time": 13,
    "handle_time": 144,
    "journey_uuid": null,
    "journey_name": null,
    "journey_friendly_id": null
  "originalTimestamp": "1657855211",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


Content Property on Automated SMS Events

The content property is available on all sms events from automated sms triggered by journeys, but originates from the sms.queued event. In up to ~.05% of cases, the content field may not populate on sms.sent events from automated sms due to sms.queued and sms.sent events coming out of order, so if you need to build reporting off of the content property, use the sms.queued events for that.


/ This this is an automated sms example./

  "userId": "123",
  "traits": {
    "phone": "+17625551796",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "name": "sms.queued",
  "properties": {
    "direction": "OUTBOUND",
    "regal_voice_phone": "+19545558563",
    "regal_voice_phone_internal_name": "Sales Line",
    "contact_phone": "+17625551796",
    "from_number": "+19545558563",
    "to_number": "+17625551796",
    "sms_message_id": "SMxxxxxxx",
    "campaign_id": "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
    "campaign_friendly_id": "2",
    "campaign_name": "Welcome",
    "journey_uuid": "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
    "journey_name": "Welcome Journey",
    "journey_friendly_id": 211,
    "content": "Circle Bank: Thanks for signing up for a new savings account. Can I help you fund your account?",
    "media_url": null
  "originalTimestamp": "1657846990",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


  "userId": "123",
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  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",


/ This this is an agent-sent sms example./

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/ This this is an automated sms example./

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        "tracker_name": "High Intent"
    "transcript": "Hi this is Joe calling in to check on the status of my loan application. It was a refinancing of my home mortgage. I filled it out like 3 weeks ago. Please call me back when possible.",
    "transcript_is_truncated": true,
    "transcript_url": ""
  "originalTimestamp": "1657843308",
  "eventSource": "Regal Voice",